Tuesday, February 14, 2017

First Post! Here we go.

Wish I had something cool to write about, instead I have a small bunch of pictures to share.

Every first (and I believe third?) Thursday of the month, Fresno has an Art Hop. I was really excited about seeing Jemimah Barba's set of Alpabetong Pilipino Loteria. I've always loved her style and loteria was a regular part of my family get togethers. I believe these were a part of an instillation she was a part of with 123Studios out of Madera, CA. The instillation was called Nepantla | "Holding onto language as a form of resistance: a conscious practice of defiance against colonization." There were many artists I had wished to see but was never able to make it so, I was stoked that Jemimah would be bringing her series to Frank's Place in Fresno. Here are a couple of snap shots I took

A few days later we saw Jemimah again when our bands played together at Mia Cuppa Cafe. Our dear friends from Modesto, CA were also on the bill as they were beginning their tour and the headliner was a band called Misery out of Oakland, CA. Their lead singer being Kristina Esfandiari of King Woman. All the bands were wonderful that night, though I didn't feel good about our set. But that was my own fault as I had over caffeinated myself. It was at a cafe after all.

One night after work, we decided to check out the little carnival that had set up in the parking lot of Manchester Mall and ride the ferris wheel.

February so far has been okay. I'm mostly trying to take pictures whenever I can remember. Here are the rest of the snapshots without explantation or description.

I'll cap it off with an old selfie from snapchat. I was feeling pretty down during the holidays and this is how I ended the year.

Stay tuned for more content. I'd like to start writing about music again, but I'll probably end up posting more pictures. Either way, I'm trying to distract myself from the shit show that is our political system. Resist. Punch a nazi. ♡

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